Fly oversea to see property project of Nomura Real Estate Development, which is known for having the strongest Common Space Design and Brand Image in Japan.

เกริก บุณยโยธิน 12 December, 2017 at 14.57 pm


It have been almost 3 years that Propholic have presented special scoops about the survey of condominium market in the sushi land like Japan. And we know that the last 3-4 years, the property market in Thailand have been greased in the money from Japan. It’s like premium grade engine oil from various huge property companies. And made all the big name developers, which already have their names in stock market, when join the cooperation with Japanese developer (that also looking for ability to grow their own market in their own land which get smaller day after day) and being as big as they can be, ready to collect all the market in Thailand so other small ones don’t have any money supplied or cooperate with anyone and in the end gone from the market as well.


Actually, it is no surprised that property business in our land do have big name companies from abroad especially from Japan and Hong Kong to join the investment and be the business partner. Because the business in their own country have the market situation with less liquidity than Thailand.  With the main factor of buying behavior in that country, the price of property is much higher than what most of people can afford and Law & Regulation of the tax used to be like a Barrier, very important for foreigner who want to buy for the investment …When collecting all together, the way out for those companies is to change the course to new target group or invest in other land that still have some gap left in the property business. Both standard construction that are waiting for the development in the future and property price in Thailand. Even if today is still to high to the most of people in the country, but still have a standard price which is sensible for other great nation around the world (it can say that people from Chaina, Hong Kong, and Singapore have it really easy to buy)  And right now, a lot of Thai developer are saving their capital of almost 20% to make International Marketing of their project. That shows the factor about Thailand is on the way to unlock the law about foreign ownership of condominium in Thailand that is limited at only 49% today.

Let’s get back to the topic before it run away to far.. For each time that we get a chance to visit Japan, it was the time we survey various project of various developer. From projects of Mori Building Group, artist developer that don’t have their name in stock market but they are the owner of project in the level of City Masterpiece of the Luxury segment in Roppongi, Akasaka area and also the famous project in Shanghai World Financial Tower.

Click here to read about the review of the project of Toranomon Hills Residences and some basic knowledge about buying and the ownership of property in Japan >> ส่องตลาดคอนโดแดนปลาดิบ: การลงทุนที่สุดแสนจะ conservative


And the second time for the project from Sumitomo Realty & Development Co., Ltd the Conservative developer but absolutely kind to us and is the winner in condo development in Tokyo by the most unit number. Even if they haven’t been a partner with anyone in Thailand but they already have their marketing to periodically draw Thai people to buy condominiums in Japan (too bad that they stop to arrange their Road show in Thailand last  year) This time I can tell that I and my partner are willing to be there and survey or buy some condo for their kids to stay when they visit Japan or study there and all of us are absolutely satisfied with the tour of Hi-end condominiums around Tokyo.


Click here to read about why properties in Japan are so interesting and also see some cool condominiums from Sumimoto Realty >> เก็บตกบรรยากาศ PropTrip: Tokyo Mission เมื่อคนไทยสนใจซื้อคอนโดที่โตเกียวเพื่อเป็นบ้านหลังที่สอง


And at the beginning of 2017, we’re visit Osaka together with Shinwa Development, which have a plan to be a partner with a lot of developers in Bangkok after the partnership between Woralak Property and W-Shinwa at RUNESU Thonglor 5 And the distinctive point that I see in project of Shinwa in Osaka is being an affordable projects with a price range at only the end of hundred thousand per square meter. But having their own entity of constructive innovation of their own name as Runesu from the word ルネス , which is Shinwa’s own technologic special rights that they put the beam, that usually being on the upper side, at the under side and use some small beam that made by specially manufactured light steel from Sigma Beam on the upper side to make another light floor. And that makes the gap of almost 60 cm. between the light floor and the main floor  by the deep of the beam to be another using area.


Click here to see the factory of Sigma Beam and other projects of Shinwa >> ลงลึกถึงรายละเอียด RUNESU THONGLOR 5 คอนโดใหม่สัญชาติญี่ปุ่นแท้ๆจาก OSAKA


Until the past October, we’re got the chance to follow all the manager of the Origin Company, developer that have grown their business as extremely exponential over the standard of property business in Thailand, to go to Tokyo visiting the project of  Nomura Real Estate Development.” The other big property company in Japan that newly become a partnership with the Origin Company.

For the Nomura Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. Is one of the huge property company in Japan, Founded in 2007. They have today various business contracture, they are 1. Residence development business, both condominiums and houses 2. Office Rental Business 3. Retail Business 4. Logistic Business and 5. Service Business of property like selling, buying and renting properties. They have paid registered capital (at 1st April 2017) at 2,000 million Japanese yen (almost 600 million Thai Bath) and have the profit from the latest operation tear (1 April 2017-31 March 2017) at 4.01 hundred thousand million Japanese yen (around 1.2 hundred thousand million Thai Bath)

If we talk about the Brand Powerscape among the Japanese manager, Nomura Real Estate do have really strong Branding especially with the PROUD and OHANA brand. The PROUD-brand is a condo-brand in a Hi-end segment, started the first project in 2002 and have the distinctive point of the design Common Space that they have done the good research together with Japan Woman’s University in almost 10 years and got a Bible Book

Therefore, the PROUD-brand have also develop their business line into the development of house under the Code-name of PROUD SEASON, which gives the attention to the cozy community that everyone can do a lot of activities together and become a house-project that Japanese people have to draw lots to buy in every time they were selling.

And Nomura still have their Fighting Brand like OHANA that presented in 2011 to get the target group of big families that needs more area to live but don’t have to live in the center of the city.

The result of  Brand Survey among the condo market that generate by the newspaper Nikkei in 2016, and found out that PROUD-brand have got the most interest among the survey-group by become the 1-9 place from all 11 group and left 2 places to LIONS MANSION-brand from DAIKYO GROUP. And the first market owner as Property Value like Mitsubishi Jisho Residence could only lead The Parkhouse-brand into the second place.

When we see it, me and the Condoman could never believe it if we didn’t see it by our own eyes. That’s why we created the second Proptrip Tokyo Mission. And this time is quite difference from the last trip that we joined Sumitomo Realty. Either the tour of project that was blended between Mixed Use-project in the level of Smart City, house and condominium in the same trip. And we visited all those projects together with the big group of manager from the Origin company and some of them have seen the project of Nomura for the first time.

Programs of this trip is divided in 2 days as usual but this time we went further than the last time because we were in Yokohama  too.

Especially the first day that we were at 4 places with the high light of Smart Sustainable City like Funabashi Morino City and 3 condo project from PROUD like PROUD DAIKANYAMA, PROUD ETCHUJIMA and PROUD GINZA HIGASHI

For the first project like Funabashi Morino City that located in Shiba, located at the east side of Tokyo. Being in Funabashi, which is a Smart Sustainable City and got prices of World Smart City Award from The Smart City Expo World Congress 2013 that was held in Barcelona, Spain.

The Funabashi Morino City project is the joint venture between 2 huge developer like Nomura Real Estate Development and Mitsubishi Corporation. As I see, Nomura is the one who takes care about the Residential Projects and  included the condo project under the brand of PROUD Funabashi of 1,497 units, senior living project  (Serviced Apartment) under the brand of  OUKAS and single house project of 42 houses on the land of 17 hectare (almost 170,000 square meters) which have been the area of factories before. The project was build in the purpose of create a good life among green area for all  the residents, living in the area without any pollution and various generation can also lives here and don’t have to move anywhere. Because everything exists here like  Shopping Mall, Hospital (for both human and animals), Child Care Center, Bank, Train Station, Clubhouse with a big park.

When the time past, Fubashi Morino City have proved that they don’t only give a better life to the residents but they do also taking care of social and have the right though for the environment. We can also say that people here are in the competition about saving the energy to be honor to their family. And the result that everyone wasn’t expected is this Smart City have the most number of birth rate in Japan. Walking in opposite directions with today’s situation of this land that they have more elderly people than young and the most of them don’t want to have kids because it can cause them more stress.

The residents can check the usage of energy for each unit by Digital Signage as below.

Concept of creating a city like this Smart City is quite interesting because they’re using the strategy of Smart & Share Town. That means the mix of technology that will help to decrease the energy usage.

Lets see which system they are using to generate the energy. It calls “enecoQ”


And to give the residents a chance to share their idea about how they can do to live a happy life in this city. We can see a lot of activities that all families are doing here together. Either to plan vegetable, study courses, cooking classes, concerts, festival and also join the brainstorming to find some more activities that fits the facility area to the community. And that’s like creating a lot of various clubs by Utilize the facility area.

We have got the chance to only see outside of the PROUD Funabashi-project. But we did get a chance to see every corner of OUKAS-project, which is a project of senior living that will open to welcome the residents in the beginning of next  year.

There is a trainstation right next to this project.

The PROUD Funabashi is divided in 5 Blocks by having the project of AEON Town ShinFunabashi in the middle.

At the parking tower, there are EV Charger and also electric cars for renting.

This project have a Typical Type like other standard condominiums in Japan, which are Single Loaded Corridor that the building will be around the facility area. They have playground for the kids here too.

At the elevator hall of every building, except all the Mailbox  which have a usual code-system, there’re also automatic lockers that can change the temperature for the food too!! And we will see those lockers in various project in Thailand in the future.

The hall way.

There are Co-Kitchen and Co-Laundry here.

Lets get inside the OUKASproject, the one that located on the opposite side of AEON Town ShinFunabashi and next to Funabashi City Welfare Center.


The type of this project is almost like a Service apartment that the residents have to pay a monthly fee that doesn’t include other payment like food and services. And the OUKAS-project is a senior living that will be prototype of the development of other condominiums-project in Nomura in the future. We got the chance to be the last group of visitor before they were closing the tour because the first resident will move in very soon.

On the outside does look like the PROUD-project.

The design is emphasize the Form Follows Function.

The society in Japan today is a lot of strains, many salary man have got the stress from their work and when they got home they have to take care of the family too. The older parents are afraid that their kids will get more stress so they decided to move into a senior living instead….That is quite Dilemma in Thailand because most of Thaipeople have the tradition to take care of their parents when they get older. So if some Thaideveloper will use the Pain Point like the Japanese to develop their own project, they might need to think on the other point too.


Absolutely for the seniors. To join each other for doing some activities together is the most important to get the power of their living. That’s why the OUKAS-project have create a lot of facility area like Beauty & Salon room, Library, Fitness center, Co-shower room, Dinning room, Karaoke and cinema room and the one that can’t leave be hide, the health checkup room.

In the health checkup room, there are checkup beds like in hospital.

There is also a Co-shower room.

Let’s get up to see the sample room. They have a very wide hall way here because they have to fit it with using the wheelchair and there are bars along the hall way.

Something that is different from other usual condominiums is the floor, which is design to support the stamping. It will not be so much damage if someone falls on the floor because the floor is quite soft.

This is like service apartment, that’s why they already have all furniture and ready for the move in.

The bedroom have a twin-bed, if they are two people moving in.

The bathroom is like finished Fully Equipped as the living standard level in Japan.

Of course there are some bars located at every point in the room, ready for every movement.

Here is a place for the washing machine.

It took almost a half day at the first shop, but we have 3 other places to visit today… So what are we waiting for let’s get to the next one : PROUD CITY Etchujima.

This project is located in Tokyo Bayarea, other area that is close to DEUX TOURSproject from Sumitomo Realty that we visited in the last year. This is an area that doesnt have a high price but still have some potential. Most of the land was made by using the trash to cover some area along the sea.

Let’s say that this project do give a lot of attention to the presentation. We’ve got the chance to see the Theatre-room, VR hologram-room, Virtual Tour 360 angle-room, Model Room and the sample room…what a big presentation!..


A very deep cinema-room in a style of traditional Japanese people.

Most of the presentation is describing the area-potential by simulate how easy the traveling in this area will be in the future.

Nearest train-station to this project is Keiyo Line Etchujima and it takes only 4 minute to walk between the project and the train-station. This station is located only 3 km. from Tokyo-station. This project will be finished in March 2019.


There are 15 floors with 305 units, parking area for 109 cars and a price is around 275K per sq.m.

The glassy area you see beside the condo will be a nursery.

Here are apartment of the size between 63.98-89.90 sq.m. (those sizes are not include the balcony, for those who already follows our articles are already known about this.)


There are only a Lounge and little garden of the facility area.

The view point by the front of the project.

It’s going well for them. I really like their view board.

Now get to the present of the VR Hologram, we have to watch it by glasses in a space-style that they’ve invented and developed by themselves. This is like a VR-glasses but we can also see the hologram floating out and cover the empty floor and give us the chance to interactive with various menus like flipping the tower, watching the facility area or even climbing the tower. The detail of this project ; the Software Developer do have brochure in Thai, please feel free to ask me if you are interesting and I will tell you the price. Can say that is not expensive at all, if you compare with those in Thailand.


It looks really Metrix, but it’s quite difficult how to control the menu and the room needs to be darker to see it more clearly.

The next one is the Virtual Tour by using the VR-glasses, it’s like we’ve seen it in Thailand. But this one is better with Draw Terrain if we get outside the area and gonna hit some table or fall off the stairs, we will then see the warning line in the glasses. By the way, this type of glasses gives us the chance to walk, turn around, choosing day made or night mode by ourselves, not the VDO-type.

Let’s see the sample room of 83.37 sq.m., not include the balcony with 11.55 sq.m. This room is quite deep and  you can crate one more room in the area along the balcony.

The door is beautiful. You can choose the material you want.

Storage room at the entrance.

The small bedroom. Here in Japan, they do put the pipeline to the Air-con like this so don’t be surprise. And the Air-con is not include in the room.

The bathroom is divided in the powder-room and shower-room like Park24.

The master bedroom.

They also have Bay window here.

Let’s see the living and dining part.

Kitchen of PROUD-brand are quite conservative, not a modern-style but they still have a standard function.

A comfortable TV-room.

They’ve created one more room in the sample room.

Very big balcony.

No charged for using it but it have to be a fire-exist ready for using in anytime of emergency.

Let’s see the materials in the bathroom before leaving, the mirror is quite small.

The next place is PROUD Ginza Higashi Residence. Everyone most being crazy when seeing the name because it located only 7 minutes from Ginza-area. And the nearest train-station is Yurakucho-line Shintomicho, only 2 minutes walk. The beginning room size here is smallest among all the Nomura-project we have seen, and the room size here are between 58.05-100.42 square meters.


This project only have the area of 1,687 square meters, 12 floors with 102 units and parking-area for 22 cars. If that was in Thailand, people will be very mad (but still buy it, hahaha)

It is quite classic.

It is prohibit to build a sample room in the project-area. The sample room of this project is in an office tower in Ginza-are. And there are 2 rooms to see.

They are already sold out.

The design of facility area in this project is more luxurious than other project.

The room of 81.66 square meters. Don’t be confuse because it looks exactly like the other one before.

Beautiful door with a light in front of the room.

With shoes cabinet.

A shower-room.

And the living room is design with a long-line to get mirrors on both sides.

Connected to the dinning part.

And kitchen.

The bedroom.

And balcony.

Next one is the room of 114.63 square meters with 1 bedroom 1 utility room that you can change it to another bedroom if you want to but here is used to be 1 bathroom 1 Powder-room. The distinctive point here is you will get 2 balconies!!

A locket with more layers.


The shower-room is bigger with the same size of the mirror but change the angle.


Next to the balcony.

The utility room.

The living area is also next to the balcony.

Which is huge.

Kitchen with the “U” shape.

I think the selling price is not too expensive here. Only around 388K per square meter for a project close to a luxury area like Ginza and this project is scheduled to be finished around March 2019.


The next one have the most expensive selling price of all the projects that we’ve seen in this trip. And it has a selling price range of almost 834K per square meter!!! There are 2 reasons to this high price ; first it is located in Daikanyama which is really close to Shibuyaarea and second, this project only have 15 units and there are also parking area for 15 cars.

Lets meet PROUD Daikanyama Sarugakucho.

For the location of Daikanyama is located only one station away from Shibuya. For me, this area do relieve the feeling of a Shopping Area and left the feeling of being chic by Fashion & Dining. If we compare, it feels like Omotesando or Thonglor in Bangkok. There are a lot of beautiful foreigner restaurants, embassy of Egypt that is designed is a style of the same level as an EPIC theater and most of all is they have a Community Mall that is not so big but it is very chic. And for everyone who lives in this area used to take their cute pets to the Daikanyama T Site” that is located next to this project. Absolutely awesome.

Other side of the Mall is also a garden.

We can see that all stores in this area do have a beautiful style.

Same as the sale Office of this project.


The total area of PROUD Daikanyama Sarugakuchoproject is only 1,016 square meters with a tower of only 4 floors. There is not much for facility either except a little Pocket Garden, Private Car Parking and Private Locker in front of every units.

You can put the laundry in the Private Locker.

Of all 15 units, it is divided into 4 units of 92.36-107.51 square meters, 8 units of 109.69-142 square meters and 3 units of 161.37-200.20 square meters. This project is scheduled to be finished around September 2018.

I think this project is somehow alike Ashton Residence 41, because of all the glasses windows that looks almost alike and emphasize the feeling of Glass Façade.

You will see the real construction-site of this project if you just walk through Daikanyama T Site.

There is only 1 sample room with a size of 142 square meters and is a 1 bedroom type (if we have this size for only 1 bedroom in Thailand I can’t even imagine what people are going to say about that) with a Living & Dinning zone by curved glass.

There is a Private Locker at the entrance of the room.

And you will see a big Inner Court together with a garden at the middle of the room.

You will see the bedroom first.

No matter how expensive the condo is, there is only one size of the mirror in the bathroom. They might be afraid the mirror will be indistinct and it will be hard to clean.

There is a bolster.

The kitchen is next to the balcony.

Dinning with the view.

And relax here.

You can get there and see it if you like, they only have 2 units left. But for me, I think it’s too big with a lot of waste space, balcony is unusual small and there is no facility area. It emphasize the location, foreigner and rich people might like it.


And this is the last day, we are going as far as Yokohama to see projects in a special economic zone like PROUD Tsunashima SST. Get back into the area around Hanedaairport for the project of PROUD CITY Ota-Rokugo and move over to house project in the area of Tokyo suburbs like PROUD SEASON Hanakoganei. And then ending with the project that  I really really like of this trip like PROUD CITY Musashino-Mitaka.


The reason why we are going to far as to Yokohama while there are a lot of projects from Nomura in Tokyo. It is because the PROUD Tsunashima SST is a special project by having a joint venture between Residential Developer and other enormous private companies of both is Japan and also from abroad. The most important is this an example of a project development as a Re-Development that use an area full of abandoned factories with no profit at all. And then change the environment by the help from government together with Panasoniccompany into a new city, and it said that the land price here have been regular to be higher than other area of Yokohama now.


At the first place, Tsunashima SST is a project that have been invented by Panasonic, giant company in electronic industry in Japan. And all area around here was an area of old factories that belonged to Panasonic and surrounded by a lot of other industrial estates. And that’s sure about no one wants to live a life on an area surrounded by pollutions from old factories. So Panasonic have talked with some Partner and ends up with Nomura Real Estate that are looking for some area in Yokohama to developer another project of Smart City after Funabashi. What a long vision they’ve got there.


There are 11 huge developer companies joining this development.

This is Master Plan of project from Nomura that they will develop a Smart Condominium with a name PROUD Tsunashima SST together with Kanden Realty & Development and Pana Home.

And beside it is R&D Center from the Apple INC. Otherwise, there are other facilities like Shopping Mall, University Residence, Keio Hydrogen Station and more in the future.


Otherwise, the big area Tsunashima SST, Nomura company do also have a plan to develop a project of Hiyoshi Complex too.

For the PROUD Tsunashima SST is a project with the height of 10 floors with 94 units and parking area for 42 cars. The nearest train-station is Toyoko-line Tsunashima and it take only 11 minute to walk.

They have medium size of units here, between 70.7685.40 square meters, but the price range is not too expensive with 252K per sq.m. But for me, I think it is quite expensive for a condo in this area of Yokohama and we have to see the feedback in the future. But now its already sold out.


R&D Center of Apple.

This maybe Hydrogen Station.

On the opposite side is a condo from Sumitomo Realty before with many phases and also already sold out.

This is an area that soon will be redevelop.

Hey, there is a Don quijote!!!

The other project from other company.

We’ve seen an old condo from Nomura while walking by to see the sample room.

Here we are, the sample room.

Already sold out.

I think it’s quite beautiful.

Especially the front side that can be use as Hero Shot.

The sample room is 73.66 square meters and is a typical deep but the dinning & living area is quite big and the balcony is also wide and long.

At the front of the room is a louver to ventilate  the air from the bedroom.

I haven’t seen so much of the sample room from Nomura  with a TV point.

For the next project, we get back to PROUD CITY Ota-Rokugo in the area of Tokyo-to, Ota-ku around 10 minute walk from Keikyu-Line Zoushiki station. And if we want to be more cleanlier, its located near to Hanedaairport and Shinagawa area.


For me, the location in a deep gate and it makes the prize being lower by the prize range of 229K per square meter. And the project is quite big with 2 towers, 14 and 15 floors with 636 units and a parking area for 316 cars. The project is now done and ready for the move in. The distinctive point of this project might be the facility area that should be use for the project level of almost 2,000 units. Because it is so big, airy and so useful. Especially the library with tons of books and it changes every 3 months. You cant find it anywhere.


We will definitely be so tired if we walk around here.

A car park with mechanicaltype that almost nobody is using it because people in this area usually use bicycles or walk. The condo have two tower that just appear on a ground area.

This is Single Loaded Corridor surrounding a big garden.

It took quite long time to walk in the Inner Court because it is so big.

Room at the first floor is like this. Absolutely Japanese style is to show the air-compressor.

The lobby is designed as Double Volume, the first one that I’ve seen in this trip.

There is café, play room for the kids and library.

I really like the library. They have a partnership with Aoyama Book Center to get a lot of books.

Here is a play room for the kids.

They have a party room too.

We are at the next house project at Tokyo suburbs (actually if you take the train from Shinjuku, it’s not to far) with the project PROUD SEASON Hanakoganei. It tooks a few hours to get here by car but if you take the train of CHUO Line Shinjuku, it will not take that long.

We didn’t see inside of the house here because all the residents have already move in. But the viewpoint here is when all the residents have moved in, the developer will take the view board of the project down. Then transfer the street into the village to be a public street that other people also have permission to use the street too. But all the residents do have their own security to protect their home and all the residents do know each other too (and all the houses don’t have any fence). The project do have a lot attention to the CCTV-system and security from SECOM…I think this will only works in Japan because if it was in Thailand all of the homeless will absolutely be our neighbor.


Walking like this. The government is the one who taking care of the street and it’s already have this beautiful condition.

You have to throw the trash on the right day and have to sort it right.

The house have an European style and it was build as a Modular.

Each house doesn’t have any fence and there is only parking area for one car per house, no more than that. They have very good common sense here.

They have CCTV-system all around the village.

They also have a Club House here with the name of  Multi Space.

The park name Zelkova Park with a Symbol Tree that they kept from before.

And now at the last project of this trip PROUD CITY Musashino – Mitaka and is the project that I really like. Eapecially the location of being in the most popular, area like Kichijoji.

Someone have told me about the value of property in Kichijoji is about 1.22 million Japanese yen per square meter. While Shijuku area that is only 15 minutes away by fast train JR, CHUOline have a value rang as high as 8.68 million Japanese yen per square meter. Thats the reason why you should buy properties in this area for the investment in the future.


For the past years, Kichijoji have been praised by the Japanese of being the best area to living. Because it can be connected to on of the trainstation in central Tokyo, CHUOLine, both Shinjukustation, Tokyostation and also Shibuyastation in a short tome.

Kichijoji is the area that is easy even if it quite far from central Tokyo. When you get out from the station you will meet  Sun Road Shopping Street”, memorial area from Showa era and you can buy everything you want as an indoor Plaza. And it also surrounded by a lot of famous stores like Marui, Loft, Muji, Uniqlo, Yodobashi, Atre, Parco, Don Quijote and also Art Market.


Otherwise, on the other side of the station is a living area that surrounded by the nature with a lot of facilities that you can do it together with you family like  Inokashira park, where Ghibli museum is located.


For the project PROUD CITY Musashino – Mitaka, is the biggest project we have seen in this trip with a total area of almost 13.156 square meters and located near to Kichijoji area. The nearest train station here is Mitaka-station Chuo-Line and it only takes 10 minute to walk to the central of all facilities of Kichijoji.


The first time I saw the selling price of 295K per square meter, I was thinking that is was quite cheap because it shouldnt be this cheap for being in this area. And when I found out about this condo have 30 years lease hold and I was sure that they shouldnt have so many supply today and in the future.

The condo only have 7 floors with 334 units and parking area for 101 cars. The unit size starts from 74.43-94.18 square meters and units that got the most selling number are the size of 71.17-94.18 square meters which are 274 units.

There are 2 sample rooms, 78.07 square meters and 91.63 square meters.

The 78.07 square meters is like other room that we’ve seen in this trip.

It has a Fit in Closet in the master bedroom and it’s like the Walk in Closet in Thailand but only smaller.

Big balcony with the air-compressor on the floor.


The room of 91.63 square meters, if it includes the balcony the size will changes to over hundred square meters. The distinctive point is you customized  your own kitchen or if you want to create some more room and even if you want to have an open kitchen with a big Living & Dining area like the sample room.

Absolutely beautiful door with a niche for newspaper.


Shower room and toilet.

You can use the first room as a workplace.

The kitchen is very big.

The project PROUD CITY Musashino – Mitaka will be finished in September 2018. If you are interest in this project, they do have a few rooms left.


Alright, it’s time to summarize about what we’ve got of visiting projects from Nomura Real Estate Development this time. First, I wanna say that the condo from Nomura under the brand PROUD is condos of premium, Hi-end grade and the competitor that match them by location and the selling prize might be project from Sumitomo Realty. But they both do have their own view point. If you like modern design with a lot of glass, you might like the condos from Sumitomo, but if you like the facility area that have been thinking and researched by academician and by asking about the opinion from the residents to do PDCA and you would really like condos from Nomura. By the way, the important thing is Nomura will manage the project at least 2 years after the project is finish by the corporation. And in this point that Ive talked with the staff and found out that Nomura use to add various thing to make the residents happier, more than what theyve got when they buy it.


For the price, I have compared the price between a lot of project in the same area and knew that the project of brand PROUD use to be more expensive than others. Or is it the reason why the brand PROUD being number 1 favorite among Japanese people… Absolutely the Nomura Real Estate Development, the important partner to Origin Property, do have the design innovation that they will send to us in Thailand in the future and the first project is Park 10 at Thonglor 10. So let’s see how it will be in the future and if Thai people would like it or not. Hope to see you again next year and we really looking forward to get more chances to visit property projects in other country from other developer too… Bye

เกริก บุณยโยธิน

เกริก บุณยโยธิน

ผู้ก่อตั้งเวปไซต์แบ่งปันความรู้ด้านการตลาด และการสร้างแบรนด์ในวงการอสังหาฯ พร็อพฮอลิค ดอทคอม..หลังจากที่ใช้เวลามากกว่า 10 ปี ในการวนเวียน เข้าๆออกๆ ในสายงานด้านการตลาด และวางแผนกลยุทธ์การสร้างแบรนด์ ของบริษัทอสังหาฯ และเอเยนซีโฆษณาชั้นนำหลายแห่ง (โดยที่ไม่รู้ว่าทำไมต้องจับสลากเจอลูกค้าสายอสังหาฯทุกที)...จนถูกครอบงำโดยจิตใต้สำนึก ให้ถีบตัวเองออกจากกรอบการทำงานแบบเดิมๆ เพื่อออกมาจุดประกายความคิดที่ถูกต้อง และนำเสนอมุมมองใหม่ๆ ให้กับกลุ่มคนที่สนใจในธุรกิจอสังหาฯ


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