AP Thailand makes 2023 year of INCLUSIVE GROWTH Set to launch industry-leading Bht 77,000 million worth of projects 3 key strategies pitched for business, social & new opportunities
– AP Thailand, with ‘Cheevit Dee Dee Tee Lueak Eng Dai’ brand promise, says 2022 was more than new high record but comprehensive breakthrough, leading in all-around growth with net presales topping Bht 50,415 million, transfer value estimated at around Bht 48,000 million
– New year sees company pursuing 2023 AP INCLUSIVE GROWTH plan with
3 key strategies to innovate and create more business opportunities and advantages
– DIVE DEEPER IN PROPERTY BUSINESS to lead in residential property industry via 3 main business groups: Condominium, SDH and Townhome, with 58 projects worth Bht 77,000 million in the pipeline; 2023 will see readily available 192 projects worth Bht 165,600 million spread across Thailand for Bht 58,000 million in projected presales and Bht 57,500 million in projected revenues earned
– HATCH NEW BUSINESS to build on property expertise by identifying new market opportunities to support business sustainability after successful launch of FitFriend trainer delivery for healthy living trend for which over 6,000 classes were sold in a year
– PEOPLE & SOCIAL – AP will drive inclusive social growth as it intends to be people-oriented organisation by providing skills of the future to everyone, whether they be its employees, university students or graduates with disabilities so they can live with Cheevit Dee Dee Tee Lueak Eng Dai
– Single Detached Home Business Group highlight includes plans to win share in market for luxury homes worth Bht 20 – 100 million with new models of THE CITY 100 square wah, upscale luxury mansion THE PALAZZO targeting wealthy homebuyers and Baan Klang Krung for city-centre residents
– Townhome Business Group aims to rule urban duplex segment with new design 3-storey and 2-storey duplexes highlighting 13.5 metre wide frontage as well as Baan Klang Muang CLASSE Ratchayothin in city-centre luxury townhome segment
– Condo Business Group set to take advantage of industry rebound with 4 projects set to realize big revenues as AP looks to continue 10 years of partnership with Mitsubishi Estate Group further reinforcing confidence it has in being the only joint venture company to pursue long-term collaboration
Mr. Vittakarn Chandavimol, Chief Corporate Strategy and Creation, AP Thailand Public Co., Ltd., said that the economy of Thailand this year has started to show positive signs and many sectors have started picking up. Despite a number of negative factors, he believed that positive factors in tourism and domestic consumption will lead to good sentiment. As for the property sector, he said the situation has started to pick up, citing the number of new projects launched during last year, which signaled an uptrend. He said one can be confident that the property market this year should have a bright future and continue to gain momentum moving forward.
More than new high record but all limitations overcome
The company has made last year the year of breakthrough moving forward with AP overcoming all limitations in its attempt to record a quantum leap of growth. The company’s performance was more than new high record but a breakthrough where limitations had been overcome in all respects whether it be the number of new projects launched – a total of 51 projects worth a total of Bht 63,600 million or net presales, was as high as Bht 50,415 million, above the company’s projected, up 44% on the same period of last year as well as a significant increase in ownership transfer which is predicted to be well above the original projection. The performance reflected the company’s organic strength and readiness – something AP has attached importance to over the last several years.
2023 AP Inclusive Growth – the ultimate year of growing together
Mr. Vittakarn Chandavimol, Chief Corporate Strategy and Creation, AP Thailand Public Co., Ltd., said that last year was intended to be the ultimate year of moving forward to overcome all obstacles with a business plan that created a sensation and reinforced the company’s position as an industry leader. For this year, he said the company is ready to open a new business chapter under 2023 AP INCLUSIVE GROWTH strategy where AP looks to make this year the ultimate year of growing together with plans to create new things while further expanding its business using its expertise to create new opportunities and advantages in various respects in line with its philosophy to bring customers Cheevit Dee Dee Tee Lueak Eng Dai. According to Mr. Vittakarn, the company will achieve that by executing the following 3-key strategic action plans:
1. DIVE DEEPER IN PROPERTY BUSINESS to lead in the residential property sector via three main business groups, namely condominium development, single detached home development and townhome development. This year the company will continue aim to challenge itself more with plans to launch the highest value of new projects in the industry – a total of 58 projects worth a total of Bht 77,000 million, comprising 22 single detached home projects worth Bht 34,800 million, 27 townhome projects worth Bht 26,400 million, 4 condominium projects worth Bht 11,800 million and 5 projects upcountry worth Bht 4,000 million. This means that AP will have 192 projects worth over Bht 165,600 million in Bangkok and the provinces readily available for sale the whole year. For 2023, it aims for a total presales target of Bht 58,000 million with total revenues target, including those from 100% JV, projected at Bht 57,500 million.
2. HATCH NEW BUSINESS to build on its expertise in the property sector by identifying new market opportunities. It will use its resources to hatch a new generation of thinkers and creators that will create new businesses useful for the whole company in the long term, whether it be for new property business diversification or for supporting other AP businesses such as SMART Service and Management (SMART) or Bangkok Citismart (BC) – its full-service property brokerage, among others.
The company successfully launched FitFriend trainer delivery in response to the modern health trend. Last year, FitFriend provided over 6,000 classes. Today, we have over 100 trainers in the system, all of them have been certified by leading institutions and have had their criminal records checked. Therefore, you can rest assured that the standards of FitFriend trainers are no different from those of the well-known fitness centres. We are also proud that in addition to providing services to the general public via Line Official-FitFriend, FitFirend has now scaled up to be one of the services under the management of SMART Service and Management making it accessible to residents at over 370 SMART-managed projects.
3. PEOPLE & SOCIAL to drive society to grow together on a mission to be a people-oriented organsation by making skills of the future accessible to everyone, whether it be AP employees or university students or graduates with disabilities so that everybody can live with Cheevit Dee Dee Tee Lueak Eng Dai. The company has carried out the mission through ongoing social initiatives such as AP OPEN HOUSE, a dream internship programme now in its 8th year running and said to be the best of its kind in Thailand or I AM POWER campaign designed to empower university graduates with disabilities by enabling them to access new essential work skills.